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作为一个提供全方位服务的系统集成商, we design and implement integrated process control and safety systems.

Wood是系统集成领域的全球领导者, providing vendor-independent automation and control products and services. We are experienced in providing complete end-to-end solutions for control systems of any size and complexity, including control panels and remote instrument enclosures (RIEs) in the process, power, manufacturing, 以及其他一些行业.

结合我们的全面工程能力, we execute the smallest to the largest projects as turn-key solutions. 我们的自动化专业人员拥有丰富的经验,可以在项目生命周期的任何阶段协助平台选择, 设计与评估, 或调试.

Our capabilities extend across the full spectrum of hardware; instrumentation, 过程逻辑控制器(PLC), 集散控制系统, 逻辑解算器和高级应用程序. 我们提供自动化服务,从最小的棕地HMI改造到世界上最大的绿地项目. 我们的服务范围导致了更少的接口, 更快的实现,并最终实现更强大和可靠的自动化系统,以实现复杂的工业过程.


Wood已经执行了一些世界上最负盛名的自动化项目,并适应不断变化的市场条件和客户策略. 我们提供完全集成的解决方案和已建立的关键增值服务,以补充过程控制设计. 这些关键价值领域包括:

  • Greenfield and brownfield control system integrations and migrations
  • MAC工具包和接口管理专业知识
  • 报废管理工具
  • 功能安全与保证
  • 人因工程
  • 远程仪器外壳(RIE)集成
  • 分析仪系统集成
  • Direct hire I&E construction


Wood’s expertise spans the entire lifecycle of control system projects, 从概念到调试, optimisation, 维护和更换. 我们利用技术权威和主题专家网络来保持客户使用的所有主要可编程电子系统的能力. We work smarter and design the systems with field commissioning, startup, 维护和操作牢记在心.

自动化设计工具的使用, 木头PowerTools, allows us to progress automation projects before the final technology is chosen. This ensures a fit-for-purpose design and eliminates the vendor bias associated with preselecting a vendor early. In fact, 行业向更开放架构的转变正在改变项目执行的游戏规则,将更多的重点放在技术集成商而不是供应商上. PowerTools, 一套虚拟部署的技术工具, allows for the digitisation of many tasks including system-independent controls configuration.


我们的MAC方法侧重于提供工程设计, procurement, programming, 所有主要控制硬件和软件供应商的集成和调试服务,帮助您确定最佳可用, 市场上成熟的技术.



  • Early engagement of MAC prior to vendor selection sets the basis for system design
  • 多系统经验增强了子系统的整合
  • INtools管理和托管多个epc
  • Expertise in managing multiple complex interfaces between EPCs, owners and third parties
  • Larger scope of supply capability versus OEM hardware vendor or EPC instrument department
  • 全面的工程学科支持仪器仪表, electrical, mechanical, civil and other areas for complete turn-key automation projects
  • 过程控制 knowledge, ensuring a focus on the operability of the facility



Our automation and control specialists have real-life experience from operating facilities, plants, 工厂和工厂遍布世界各地. That expertise, 结合强大的工程背景, ensures our solutions are truly fit for purpose and will deliver safe and reliable startup and full operation.


  • Concept
  • 项目管理
  • 工程与设计
  • PLC软件解决方案
  • Simulation
  • Control panels
  • Safety systems
  • 中低压控制设计
  • 低压控制设计
  • 驱动和伺服系统
  • 水/废水
  • Services
  • Experience

Power systems

With physical integration systems designed for every level of your business, Wood gives you the power to make your operations safer and smoother, boosting efficiency and reducing costs with power systems including:

  • 中压配电开关设备
  • 中压电机控制中心
  • 中压计量和终端板
  • 中压局部隔离板
  • 中低压改造和扩建
  • 中性点接地电阻面板
  • 全套解决方案
  • 出口集装箱变电站
  • 低压配电开关设备
  • 低压电机控制中心
  • 集成与网络控制
  • Control panels


We perform all types of control projects in a variety of industries and geographies, 我们的执行方法始终适用于各种项目,从智利锂矿的小型过时升级到哈萨克斯坦世界级上游设施的主自动化合同(MAC)项目.

我们的专业自动化项目经理团队了解自动化项目的独特性,并使用我们一流的项目管理工具, PaceSetterTM 规范项目管理活动.


Wood recognises that excellent customer service beyond system handover is essential. 从汽车制造和钢铁生产到水处理和行李处理,我们的客户依赖我们提供快速和专业的支持,以最大限度地延长其生产或分销业务的正常运行时间.


为了最终的内心平静, 定制支持合同可以通过我们的呼叫中心提供24/7直接联系服务技术人员. 在线工程支持和, 在必要时, an emergency site visit can be set up to suit your operational and production requirements.


我们为自己的设备提供保修支持,也可以为选定的竞争对手的设备提供第三方和延长保修. 我们的服务团队将提供快速支持,并提供解决方案,以尽量减少对正在进行的操作的干扰.


确保系统可靠运行, we can provide a range of periodic preventative maintenance checks. 来自组件和软件审计, 通过热成像调查完成设备维护, our service experts can provide the reassurance you expect from a professional OEM.


以最少的资本开支提供最大的效益, we investigate and recommend cost-effective retrofits and upgrades for our customers’ existing systems. Our experienced service team undertakes all enhancement work in accordance with our stringent quality standards.


  • 特殊情况下,您的低压或中压产品可能需要返回我们的一个车间,由我们的专业工程团队进行调查. Faults and failure modes are fully analysed, and we work with you to find a cost-effective solution.
  • 所有车间维修都按照我们的质量标准进行全面测试,我们的安装和调试人员确保所有设备尽快恢复使用.
  • Problems encountered in daily operations can be investigated on site by our experienced engineers. In many cases, 问题是——是否机械, electrical or software-related – can be remedied during the initial visit and a warrantied repair provided.


The service life of electrical and control systems often exceeds that of the components and software within them. Our service team is able to advise on spares inventory levels and hardware or software obsolescence, as well as managing system upgrades to ensure minimal disruption to your operations.


说到替代老龄化, 冗余或过时的设备, our service team can offer inspection services and safe removal. 我们可以评估你的设备重复使用的可行性, enabling you to make an informed decision about your assets prior to disposal.


我们认识到,在客户现场拥有训练有素、胜任的员工来操作和维护我们的解决方案,极大地提高了解决方案的可靠性, we can provide operational and maintenance training for clients’ employees, 要么在现场,要么在我们自己的场所. 我们也投资学院, 我们的内部学徒计划, to train future engineers to support our current and legacy systems.



OPA is a new approach to industrial automation that allows for greater flexibility, 互操作性, 可伸缩性和安全性. As one of the largest vendor-independent systems integrators globally, 我们可以帮助您利用开放式流程自动化的力量,为您的组织带来变革性价值.

Using OPA, 我们可以开发与传统的分布式控制系统(DCS)和可编程逻辑控制器(plc)具有明显不同架构的新一代自动化系统。.

The Open Process Automation Standard (O-PAS) has created a framework for standards-based, open, 安全且可互操作的过程控制体系结构,使我们能够在您的控制系统中构建多个优势. 其中包括集成一流的组件, 保存资产所有者的应用软件, 减少与dcs相关的停机,降低未来更换的成本,同时促进创新和价值创造.

O-PAS Systems allow the use of components and technologies from a variety of suppliers, 伍德的系统集成团队帮助建立了一个OPA测试平台,以支持您对O-PAS系统的开发和评估.


了解更多关于OPA 以及如何在降低风险和成本的同时提升工业控制系统(DCS)的性能和安全性. Check out the FAQ from our recent webinar, “更好、更快、更智能:开放过程自动化”.

Get in touch
United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, now.